Anime Blog

Can Garp defeat Blackbeard? Which BB pirate crew members can he beat?

After reading One Piece chapter 1080, I have to admit I totally underestimated Garp, and damn, was I wrong. We all knew prime Garp was a beast, but the old dude still got it! He straight-up destroyed an entire town with a single punch! Is this still One Piece, or did I accidentally start reading […]

Anime Blog One Piece

One Piece: Can Garp beat Blackbeard and rescue Koby from the evil pirate?

Are you ready for a jaw-dropping plot twist in the One Piece universe? It looks like we might be in for a massive showdown between Garp and Blackbeard! Garp is planning to go after an emperor without even telling the higher-ups because Blackbeard captured his beloved Koby, a big no-no. Blackbeard […]

Anime Blog Manga One Piece

Blackbeard’s Secret Method to Stealing Devil Fruits: Theories!

Marshall D. Teach, more popularly referred to as Blackbeard, is one of the Four Emperors. He is also the only person alive to ever possess the power of two Devil Fruits. As we know, no person can possess the power of two Devil Fruits, since they would explode. Also, he was able to steal Whitebeard’s[…]

Anime Manga One Piece

Will Law Escape from Blackbeard’s Clutches and Survive?

There has been a huge shift in the power structure in the world of One Piece, following the Wano Country arc. After the defeat of Kaido and Big Mom, the younger pirates who belong to Worst Generation are all set to conquer the seas of the New World.

It’s pretty inevitable that the power-hungry members […]

Manga One Piece

One Piece: The True Nature of Kuzan’s Alliance with Blackbeard

The new chapter of One Piece has confirmed what a lot of people have been speculating since chapter 793. During the Dressrosa arc, the Gorosei had commented that Kuzan had dedicated all his power to assist Blackbeard. Akainu/Sakazuki had replied that Kuzan was long gone from their ranks and […]

Manga One Piece

One Piece Chapter 1063: Blackbeard Pirates’ New Devil Fruit Powers Vs. Law!

Chapter 1063 of One Piece gives us a rampaging Kuma on the hunt for the Straw Hat Pirates on Egghead Island. Just as Jewelry Bonney tries to stop Luffy from hurting her father, Oda cuts off the fight to bring us to something even more exciting than Vegapunk and Pacifistas. Didn’t think […]

Manga One Piece

One Piece Chapter 1059 Breakdown and What to Expect Next!

The number of characters that make a comeback in chapter 1059, is quite honestly, insane. So much happened in the latest chapter that could never have been predicted. I mean, did you expect to see a certain Dark Knight return, because I certainly didn’t. Apart from other major cameos, there are […]

Anime Manga One Piece

Will Luffy get Pluton in One Piece? Who else Might get it?

Ever since chapter 1053 of One Piece revealed that Pluton is located in Wano, fans have been wildly speculating what exactly this legendary Ancient Weapon could be and whether it will be Monkey D. Luffy who gets his hands on it. In chapter 1055, we learned that Pluton is hidden […]

Manga One Piece

One Piece Chapter 1054: The Most Plausible Theories and Predictions

We have an entire month to speculate about what’s going to happen in chapter 1054 of One Piece. Chapter 1053 marked the end of the Wano arc as mangaka Eiichiro Oda announced a 4-week hiatus before a new chapter will begin the final saga of the series. The Wano War came to a close after […]

Manga One Piece

One Piece Chapter 1053 Leaks: New Four Emperors, Revealed!

With all of the spoilers and leaks that we’ve seen, it’s evident that One Piece’s chapter 1053 is the craziest chapter of the Wano arc thus far. The Ancient Weapon Pluton is revealed to be somewhere in Wano, Oden’s dad, Kozuki Sukiyaki, is still alive, Ryokugyu’s shows his […]

Manga One Piece

Will Blackbeard go to the Moon to meet Enel now that Luffy is Sun God?

The revelation that Luffy’s Paramecia-type Gomu Gomu no Mi is actually the Mythical Zoan-type Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika, changes everything. Not just for Luffy, but for the story itself. With Luffy’s connection to Sun God Nika, people are wondering […]

Manga One Piece

One Piece: Do Luffy’s new Powers overshadow his Achievements?

What a time to be a One Piece fan. The latest chapter 1044 has not only changed our whole perspective of the narrative, but has brought a smile to every member in the fandom. Luffy was always the epitome of joy, but for him to be the actual personification of Joy Boy is something else entirely […]